Friday, March 28, 2014

Pilates Training: Backed by Strong Evidence

IDEA Fitness published an article in their February 2014 Journal entitled, "Science and the Pilates Method: an evidence-based report on the effectiveness of Pilates training for healthy adults" (Archer, 2014). The article describes several benefits of Pilates training and lists the scientific studies that show both strong and moderate evidence in support of Pilates training in healthy adults.  This is good news for Pilates professionals like myself.  But it is also great information for Pilates enthusiasts, or those who have always wanted to try Pilates but wondered if it works. 

Research focusing on Pilates has grown in the past several years due to the increased popularity of Pilates and the fact that it is recognized by many physical therapists as a beneficial workout method (Archer, pg. 74).  In fact, many physical therapists hire Pilates instructors and have Pilates equipment in their facilities.  So it is only natural that those studying sports medicine and kinesiology would stand up and take notice.  

Benefits of Pilates training backed by STRONG evidence:
  • Improved Flexibility - Study participants who participated in mat classes showed increased flexibility in the low-back, hamstrings and upper body.  
    • It's no secret that Pilates (often compared to Yoga) incorporates a lot of stretching exercises. Different from Yoga however, is the focus on fluidity and flexibility of the spine.  Many of the exercises call for the client to flex their spine in a sequential manor.  In other words, roll through the spine to lift the hips or curve the spine, pressing each vertebra into the mat, as you come to a seated position. 
  • Improved Balance - 60 year old mat class participants experienced improved balance, faster reaction time and fewer falls.  
    • As we get older, our ability to balance diminishes mostly due to lack of exercise.  Our core stabilizer muscles weaken from inactivity. Pilates classes often incorporate balance exercises to improve the bodies alignment and work the deep stabilizer muscles. 
  • Increased Muscle Endurance - Study participants showed increased muscle endurance in the abdominals. Some groups also showed increased endurance in the low-back and upper-body muscles.  
    • Increased abdominal endurance is no surprise for Pilates enthusiasts.  A LOT of Pilates training focuses on your "core" muscles: the muscles of your low-back, abdominals and pelvic floor.  Why is this important? There are many benefits to having strong core muscles, but most Pilates students express a relief from lower-back pain.  This is because balancing the strength of the abdominal wall with the back muscles means less pressure and strain on the low-back, which equates to decreased lower-back pain.  
Benefits of Pilates training backed by MODERATE evidence:
  • Improved Muscle Activation- One study showed that the combination of engaging (consciously contracting) the core muscles while doing bicep curls resulted in greater muscle activation in the arms than when the core muscles are not activated.  
    • Pilates instructors are constantly reminding their clients to engage their core muscles.  Often the first cue you will hear before each exercise is to engage your abs and pelvic floor.  Joseph Pilates (Pilates method guru) created these exercises with knowledge that was way ahead of his time. He understood the connection between muscle groups.  The more muscle groups you utilize to perform a particular exercise the more effective the exercise will be.  
  • More Life Satisfaction and Improved Psychological Well-Being - Female participants experienced greater life satisfaction, better mood, a positive self image and better sleep quality. 
    • I think it is interesting that these points are listed as a direct benefit from practicing Pilates.  Pilates will give you these feelings, but so will any form of exercise that you enjoy doing.  Get out and move... period.
  • Enhanced Brain Function - Increased neural networking activity was discovered in an analysis of five case studies.
    • The mind-body connection is one of the most important Pilates principles.  Many of the exercises include more than 2 movements and those movements are connected to specific breathing patterns requiring intense concentration.  So, it does not surprise me that the study participants would experience increased brain activity.    
So now that you are totally convinced that Pilates training can work for you, how often do you need to practice Pilates to experience the benefits?  The studies cited in the IDEA Fitness article showed that individuals who trained only 2 - 3 times a week for an hour per session experienced many of the above mentioned benefits.

Come take a mat class with me or sign up for a private Reformer lesson!

Keep Moving,

Amy Redmond Waran
Owner/Artistic Director
Flying Colors Dance & Fitness
IDEA Fitness is the worlds largest association for fitness professionals.

Archer, Shirley; "Science and the Pilates Method: An Evidence-based Report on the Effectiveness of Pilates Training for Healthy Adults;" IDEA Fitness Journal, February, 2014. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

There Are Plenty of Reasons to Dance

"Oh The Places You'll Go," by Dr. Seuss is one of my favorite books to read to my son.  I admit that he is not always interested.  The book does talk about some pretty huge life lessons that an 18 month old can't really grasp.  But I love the books positive message.  You can do anything because "you have brains in your head and feet in your shoes."  But it is also realistic.  "Bang ups and hang ups can, and will, happen to you." So, why am I talking about Dr. Seuss on my blog today?  Because when it comes to fitness, and life, we all need a little motivation and realistic positive thinking.  

I started thinking about this because of a Kid President video.  You know about Kid President right? He's an 11 year old boy who, with the help of some very cool grown ups, posts funny and insightful videos on YouTube.  The most recent Kid President video I watched is titled, "An Open Letter To Babies On Their First Day Here."  Click HERE to watch the video.  In this video he talks about all the wonderful, and not so wonderful, things that a person can do in their lifetime.  I'm going to list a few quotes from the video here and talk about how I feel they relate to our struggles with staying fit.
  • "Some days you'll get ice cream.... some days you won't."   
    • That's life in a nut shell.  Some days you'll be up and some days you'll be down.  But that's okay as long as you pick yourself back up.  Fitness is the same way.  Sometimes you'll be super motivated and fit that workout into your busy schedule... and sometimes you won't.  But what matters is that you keep trying.  Don't give up on yourself because you missed one day or ate that bowl of ice cream.
  • "You should give people a high-five for just getting out of bed."
    • I think this one is my favorite.  Let's be honest.  Sometimes it feels impossible to get your butt out of bed in the morning and sometimes it feels impossible to get started on a workout routine.  I think if everyone got a high-five for just getting started, everyone would have a lot easier time getting out of bed.  If someone doesn't give you a high-five for trying, give yourself one... or come see me... I'll give you a high-five. 
  • "Our biggest mess-up is not forgiving each other for our mess-ups."
    • We ALL make mistakes.  That's ok.  You might start eating a lot of fast food and not work out for weeks.  Forgive yourself and start again.  Forgive yourself and forgive others and you will be a happier person.... period. 
  • "There's plenty of reasons to dance."  
    • Ok, maybe this one is my favorite.  Obviously, I'm a little biased here.  Dance is my favorite type of exercise.  But that's not the point.  There are plenty of reasons to dance. Life is a beautiful gift, just like your body is a gift.  Dance because you are happy. Dance because it is good for your soul.  Dance because, when you do, someone might join you and you could make a new friend.  Don't believe me?  Watch this video. 

Inspiration for healthy and fit living can come from anywhere. 

Keep Moving,

Amy Redmond Waran
Owner/Artistic Director
Flying Colors Dance & Fitness

Friday, March 14, 2014

Simple Green Smoothies

A little over a month ago I was searching for a way to jump start healthy eating.  You see, for several months while I was trying to start a new business and commuting for Oakland, CA to Hollister, CA with a baby in-tow.  I fell off the healthy eating train pretty hard.  I was eating whatever I could, whenever I could and that meant A LOT of fast food.  Enter 

I love this site because they are not asking you to do a "cleanse" where all you eat for X number of days is lemon juice and paprika.  (eeew!) is loaded with green smoothie recipes. And if you choose to you can participate in one of their 30 day green smoothie challenges.  For 30 days you replace 1 meal with a green smoothie.  What is a green smoothie?  Take about a cup of leafy greens (spinach is my favorite because of it's mild flavor), add about a cup of fluid (e.g. water, almond milk or juice) and add frozen fruit. Blend well until smooth.  If you sign up for the 30 day smoothie challenge they will send you weekly shopping lists and tons of smoothie recipes all for FREE!  I really want to try the chocolate covered cherry green smoothie next.

I know this sort of thing isn't for everyone.  For me it was a simple way to get me back on the healthy eating train.  AND the residual results have been positive.  I lost all my pregnancy weight (I have a 17 month old baby boy) and have noticed that I have an easier time keeping my energy up all day long.  (I eat my green smoothies for breakfast.)  My son also loves them.  The moment he hears the blender in the morning he comes scooting over on his butt (yeah, he doesn't crawl... he scoots) and pretty much demands that I give him his morning smoothie.  See photo.

If you are interested in an easy way to jump start some new healthy eating habits, you might want to check out the Simple Green Smoothies site.

Keep Moving,

Amy Redmond Waran
Flying Colors Dance & Fitness
Hollister, CA  

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Pink Leotards and Wet Tights

First, let me introduce myself....
My name is Amy Redmond Waran and I am the owner of Flying Colors Dance and Fitness, a new dance studio located in Hollister, CA.

Here is my dance story...
My very first dance class was a pre-ballet class when I was 5 years old.  I absolutely loved it. I still remember the large, sunny dance room and looking in the mirror at my pink leotard, tights and ballet shoes as we practiced the 5 ballet foot positions.  Sadly, I quit the class after only a few lessons because of a very embarrassing incident involving wet tights and a puddle on the floor.  Even though I stopped attending that class, I still wore my pink leotard and danced incessantly around the house showing off all 5 foot positions.  It was clear that I loved to dance.  My parents decided to put me in dance lessons again at age 7.

I attended three different dance schools, studying mostly ballet from age 7 until 18.  Since then I have collected a couple of degrees (a BA in Theater Arts and an MFA in Dance, Choreography and Performance), completed a Pilates teacher training course, started an in-home Pilates studio, performed with two Bay Area semi-professional dance companies and in the past several years, taught dance to children ages 2.5 - 18 years.  All of this has lead me to open my own studio and thus begin writing this blog.

In this blog I will periodically post informative and opinion based articles about:
  • Dance
  • Teaching
  • Fitness - Pilates and Zumba
  • Health and Wellness 
  • Creative Movement and Crafts for Kids 
I will also post news and events related to Flying Colors Dance & Fitness and the surrounding community.  Hollister, CA (not related to the Hollister clothing brand) is my home town.  I graduated from San Benito High School and was awarded a scholarship from the San Benito County Arts Commission. Now I am back in Hollister, ready to give back to the community.

Please follow my blog, like Flying Colors on Facebook and, if you live in Hollister or are just passing through town, come take a class.  Your first class is always free and you're always welcome to come back, even if you wet your pants.