Friday, April 11, 2014

Teaching in Silence

This week I came down with a slight chest cold.  No big deal.  Until I had to teach for 5 hours on Wednesday.  I guess when you combine a chest/throat cold with talking for 5 hours straight, you get laryngitis.  For a teacher, this is kind of a problem. We, of course, do a lot of dancing/movement in my classes, but I also do a lot of talking. For my younger classes, my voice is important for keeping the little ones engaged. The tone and volume of my voice play a huge role in directing their attention and enforcing rules.  

Yesterday I learned a valuable lesson about silence in the dance classroom.  As a teaching tool, I already use a quiet whisper voice to redirect attention and calm the energy of a class. Yesterday was different.  When I could not find a substitute teacher for the 3 classes I teach on Thursdays, I had to teach the ENTIRE class in silence or using a very quiet whisper. The result?  My students had to focus and listen very carefully to know what to do next. I think it became a new challenge or game for them. While doing warm-ups the students noticed that they had to watch me very closely because I couldn't talk over the music to tell them what to do next.  The fact that I couldn't talk over the music also caused me to rely more on my body language and gestures to direct the students. Reminding me of the value of visual learning for me students.  In short, I thought Thursday's day of teaching was going to be a nightmare, but it turned out to be a very valuable learning experience. I'm hoping that in future classes I can remember that sometimes the best way to teach is without saying anything at all. 

How about you?  You may or may not be a teacher, but you may be a parent or someone that works with kids. How do you use silence or quiet time to help students/children focus?  I'd love to hear about it.

Keep moving,

Amy Redmond Waran
Owner/Artistic Director
Flying Colors Dance & Fitness

Friday, April 4, 2014

A Blog About Blogs

If I'm being totally honest, I never thought I would have time to write a blog... or want to write a blog... or have anything important to say.  And then I started my own business and was told in order to have a dynamic online presence so that my studio webpage could easily be found online, I would need to (among other things) write a blog.  Fast forward a month later and here I am writing my 5th blog post.  I've enjoyed reading blogs but I am surprised to find myself enjoying writing my own blog. 

Today I would like to share with you the blogs that have inspired me as a teacher and/or provided a personal break during the day to read and sip a cup of tea.

BLOG #1:

The Short and the Sweet of It

I'm a little biased on this one.  My best college friend, Alexa Evans, writes this blog with another talented writer named Kirby Brooks-Todd.  Originally I started following this blog because I wanted to support my good friend.  It has now become a weekly (sometimes daily) habit.  The posts, like the name, are short and sweet but loaded with fun, vibrate pictures.  It is a life style blog focusing on fashion, home decor, food and travel. This is my "take a break from life to be inspired by design or swept away to another world" blog. What's not to love? 

BLOG #2:

Maria's Movers

Maria's Movers is a dance education blog created by Maria Hanley.  Maria is an early childhood dance education specialist, meaning she teaches creative movement to children as young as 18 months. Her blog has inspired me to continue to teach the youngest of dancers and when I run out of good ideas for class, I almost exclusively turn to her blog for inspiration. For example, I really want to try this snow inspired creative movement lesson in one of my classes next winter.  This blog is also great for parents. Need something to keep your kids occupied on a rainy day?  Take a look at Maria's blog!

BLOG #3:

The Dance Buzz

I came across this blog while reading Maria's Movers.  It was great timing too because I had just started my dance studio and this blog is full of information and inspiration for dance studio owners.  Are you a dance teacher who needs new class music or a good recital song? This is the blog for you.  Cait (the author of Dance Buzz) shares wonderful playlists for all dance styles.  Need an answer to a dance studio business question?  Take a look at her blog posts for studio owners.  Are you a student who needs a recital hair and make-up tutorial?  Dance Buzz has you covered.  LOVE IT!

Blog #4:

A Cup of Jo

My friend Alexa links to this blog often on her site.  I don't check in to it that often, but I have been very touched by her open and honest posts about motherhood.  See this post  from 2012.  I came across this particular post after my son Xander was born.  Reading it helped me feel more normal while I was experiencing "the baby blues" in those first several months after having a baby.  When you are going through such a wonderful, scary, hard and exciting time, it is wonderful that there are people on the internet that are willing to write so openly about the experience.  It helps us all get through the good and the bad.

What other blogs do you read that you love?  I'd love to hear about them in the comments below!

Keep Moving,

-Amy Redmond Waran
Owner/Artistic Director
Flying Colors Dance & Fitness

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